That is the definition of sincere. Skin-to-skin contact is quite widespread in Scandinavia.
It is used in place of incubation for neonates that are premature.
These helpless neonates are believed to be helped to get up again by human connection as opposed to complete isolation in a soulless machine.
It’s really sweet to see a young youngster helping his father hold his premature brothers in this photo.
2016 saw the photograph being taken in Copenhagen. (Denmark). The term “kangaroo method” also refers to “skin to skin” contact.
The mainstay of the practice involves placing the infants on the exposed chest of the mother or father every day for range from a few minutes to several hours.
Regular usage helps babies gain weight, grow mentally, and swiftly acclimate to their environment.
The baby is acclimated to the outside world gradually and naturally using the “kangaroo” method.
It seems to be a delicate mimic of every sense the infant possesses.
The baby is touched and stroked, hears and feels the mother’s voice and heartbeat, smells and feels her body, and hears her heartbeat.
It stimulates the perception of movement, balance, and spatial positioning of the body.
Studies have shown that when such contact is used, the condition of preterm newborns stabilizes a lot more quickly than it would in an incubator.
Young children also experience less illness and mortality.
A child’s chance of survival was 30–70% better in one study when they weighed 1000–1500 g.