Sarah’s kid looks like today because a remarkable woman became a mom three years ago


Peter Mutabazi was already Tony’s father when they first met.

Their story takes the reader on a moving journey through family and love.

Children in foster care are typically extremely vulnerable and might be abandoned for years.

Yet, a surpising hero guarantees that this delightful tale has a happy ending.

As Peter was raised in poverty and eventually ended up living on the streets, his own boyhood in Uganda was difficult.

Yet, after being saved and accepted into a caring household, he realized that it was his responsibility to repay the favor and join the foster care system.

Peter decided in 2017 to look into fostering in Oklahoma.

He went to a local agency, but initially he was concerned that, as a single man, he would not be a suitable fit.

Despite his concerns, he registered and successfully completed the necessary training to become a foster parent.

He was introduced to Tony there, a youngster who had previously been adopted but whose adoptive parents had abandoned him in a hospital.

According to Peter, who believes their meeting was predestined, they make the ideal father-son team absolute agreement.

After a long, tumultuous journey, they finally found themselves in a family that belonged together.

He’s excited to say that day. It has been confirmed that he is a citizen of the US.

He is content, grateful, and full of optimism. He has never felt such joy at home or in his heart after such a lengthy voyage.

He now has a son and has also received a new citizenship.

He makes glowing remarks about his newborn child, who, although being just 13 years old, is highly intelligent and well-read.

He goes on to state that his son enjoys riding his bike and discovering new places, and that he is also pretty humorous.