The couple had always hoped to have at least four kids, but instead they ended up with 83!
Even a prize called “Mother Heroine of the I degree” exists.
However, it goes without saying that she values the children’s grins the most.
The family has two biological children and 81 foster children.
She remembers each and every one of them, even if many have grown up and flown from the nest.
“I can recall each one. And I can still recall their names and birthdays.
And all of their wives, husbands, and kids.
I recall everybody… I’m a cat, therefore if I licked a kitten, it became mine.
Give this one, give that one, they demanded. How will I relinquish my kid?
These are my children; I will not give them away.
She and her husband chose to adopt children from an orphanage following a personal tragedy.
A unique child, the family’s boy, was the firstborn, followed by a healthy daughter.
However, I was reassured by the physicians that having healthy children would probably no longer be possible.
In order to save the boys who were left alone and alone with their loneliness, they started to create a large family.
“The kids themselves say, mum, and you know, you took them – and they seemed to have lived with us their entire lives,” they said.
The fact that they are of different blood and come from a different family is not visible.
The widow laid her spouse to rest eight years ago.
The mother of the heroine now manages the entire home by herself.
There is enough power and unending love to prepare breakfast, lunch, supper, and come up with a cultural and entertainment program for kids.
“God willing, I will raise them all. That was and remains my greatest dread.
I’m only 30 years away from turning 100, so I’m curious to see out how they’ll be.
At the very least, I want to allow them to live a happy life. I’ll then visit my hubby.
On the primary family holiday, she has optimism for the future and is certain of her knowledge of family, love, and devotion.