If you or someone you know has had a baby, you know how quickly they can absorb language and information. However, this adorable infant from Italy did more than just learn the words.
One of the common misconceptions about Italian speakers is that they frequently gesture when speaking. Even though this isn’t always the case, this youngster tried as hard as he could to fit the stereotype.
He started to imitate her every move as soon as she started talking to him. He perfectly reflected his expressive mother through his gestures and head movement.
We don’t know why his mother didn’t start cracking up right away. When this baby joined the conversation, we could hardly contain our laughter.
However, we weren’t the only ones who appreciated this amusing exchange. The infant was also beaming with joy. However, as soon as his mother resumed speaking, this tiny comedian wiped that smile off his face.
It was clear that this youngster valued this conversation and the gestures that went along with it the most. There could not have been a more engaged audience member for this mother.
This is the video to watch if you want to brighten your week. Watch this delightful child get familiar with the complexities of head squirming and hand signals in this adorable cooperation.