When these photos were shared on the internet, they shocked everyone. The photos showed a little African boy that a woman wanted to adopt, but suddenly everything changed.
During her journey, Joséphine notices a little boy who was alone in the street and who could barely walk, he was completely covered in dust.
It was obvious that the baby was malnourished and dehydrated. This child was not ordinary, he was so young that the inhabitants of this district called him a wizard. This woman was a shoemaker, so she decided to help a child abandoned by everyone.
Because everyone called the poor child a wizard, he was abandoned by his family and ended up on the streets. The woman started to feed him and gave him water. The woman saved the child’s life.
Then she took the baby to the African Education and Development Foundation where they were able to help and care for the child. Eventually, she decided to adopt the child and save his life.
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